What does it have to do with physics?
(very brief:)
-Physics is about the gathering of:
a) Performing experiments to see if we can get a ruke of
thumb to solve the problem: “When I do this
experiment(s), what will the result(s) be?”
b) Creating a rule of thumb- so far an art.
c) Doing more experiments to check if that rule of thumb
is correct.
d) Studying this rule to obtain some philosophical meaning.
-Peter Norvig: d) is meaninngless
-Galileo: if I roll a ball down a slope, (actually a
slope with no friction) when it is sloped at 60 degrees,
how low will it fall after time t?
-He used his pulse to time his
experiments, and he got tables like this, below showing
the time vs the distance it travelled:
(This picture is actually
from the Feynman lectures) -After doing it many, many
times, and using his pulse as the clock, he got a rule
of thumb.
-They checked it with many experiments.
Today it is as:
S1. Get time t
S2. Calculate distance D=4.2435×t2.
S3. D is the distance in SI units (metres)
t= 0.4 #Change this and click shift+enter to find D
D= 4.2435*t**2
print( "Distance=", D )
-The number "4.2435" was actually specific to when the
slope is "sloped" at 60 degrees to the ground, and that
it has no friction. If the slope was slanted at any
angle θ to the ground, then the rule of thumb would be
only slightly different:
S1. Get time t and θ
S2. Calculate distance D=4.9×sin θ×t2.
S3. D is the distance in metres
import math
t= 0.4 #Change this and click shift+enter to find D for different values of t
theta= math.pi/3 #If you want it for 60 degrees
D= 4.9*math.sin(theta)*t**2
print( "Distance=", D )
(If you set theta to π/3 here you'll get the
same answer as above.)
-Further, the number 4.9 is equal to (1/2)g,
where g is the "acceleration due to gravity" on
-For θ=90 degrees, it's just a ball falling
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
for i in range(20):
plt.plot( T, D_T )
-Looks like the graph above
-It's a parabola
-Rate of change in position: velocity
-Rate of change in velocity: acceleration
-Rate of change in acceleration: jerk
-Rate of change in jerk: jounce
-In general, D(t)= D0 + Veloctiy0t
+ Acceleration0(t2/2) + Jerk0(t3/6)
+ Jounce0(t4/24) + ....
Was what Galileo did art or science?
Is there a rule of thumb to look at the table
("Galileo's" table, but not really Galileo's), and get
the rule of thumb we wrote earlier?
(Week-1,2, briefly:)
-Galileo is a genius, and
he DID NOT use any rule of thumb to get the
-But this question is central to what is known as machine
learning- for some problem, or a certain class
of problems, is there a rule of thumb to get us the rule
of thumb to solve those problems?
-There are several rules of thumb to get these today,
but even as far back as more than 200 years ago,
Lagrange invented a rule of thumb to create a rule
of thumb which solves the problem: given a table
like this,:
what rule of thumb will solve the
problem: What is D(t), given t?
It's called Lagrange interpolation.
Lagrange interpolation
L1. Read each value of time T and the distance
at that time, D(T), and compute D(t)/(T−t0)(T−t2)(T−t2)....(T−tlast)
where the ti's are the other
values (not including the one you're looking at now).
L2. Write this down on the right of the expression: +(t−t0)(t−t2)(t−t2)....(t−tlast)
(again, skipping the current one- T). L3. Repeat
steps (1) and (2) for all the values of time T
The expression you have written down fully is a formula (and, of course, also a rule of thumb) to get D(t) if you are given t.
#Lagrange interpolation
t_vs_D= { 0:0, 1:16, 2:64, 3:44, 4:256, 5:400, 6:576 }#This is from Galileo's table; change it and try it out for more
for T, DT in t_vs_D.items():
#Compute (T−t0)(T−t2)(T−t2)....(T−tlast)
c= DT
for ti in t_vs_D:
if ti is not T:
c= c/(T-ti)
#Write down expression
print( " + ", end=" " )
for ti in t_vs_D:
if ti is not T:
print( "(t-",ti,")", end=" " )
print( ".",c )
And there you have it! If you substitute t= 1,
or 2 , or 3 or anything, in this polynomial, you
will get the same value as in the table. (Only
in this case, there will be a few decimal places
off, but if we interpret the indefinite repititioin as
something/9, we will get the exact answer.)
-You can see that it can be simplified massively.
-It's NOT the same as Galileo's- the (1/2)g×sin θ×t2
one. Clearly, this rule-of-thumb is not as smart as
-It's been 220 years since Lagrange invented this. It is
NOT a good rule-of-thumb for the kind of problems today,
most of the time.
-That's why it has NOT been used thoroughly in machine
-But it gives a load of insight:
1) Difficulty: -In the last century, mathematicians (and
computer scienists) Alan Cobham and Jack Edmonds
proposed a theory that a problem must have certain characteristics,
related to what is called its Time complexity in
order for a computer to be able to solve it easily.
That is, the rule-of-thumb(s) to solve the problem(s)
have to be easy (fast) and not hard
(slow) for computers to follow. They ignited a debate
related to the million dollar problem, the P vs NP
problem (no, literally, its solution is worth a million
dollars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Prize_Problems
-Actually this problem was earlier discussed in the
letters of John Forbes Nash Jr. (you've seen A Beautiful
Mind, right?)
-The Laplace interpolation is one way to obtain a
polynomial, but there is one other obvious way using
linear algebra. We will have to solve a system of N
linear equations in N variables to obtain N
-But, if we did this using the method we learnt in
school, of finding the adjoint and the determinant
separately, we would take really, really long for large
-This is because the method of finding the determinant
that we learnt in school- which was actually invented by
Laplace too!- called Laplace expansion, we would be
using what Alan Cobham and Jack Edmonds would call hard.
-But thanks to mathematicians, almost all the basic
operations of linear algebra we can use today are
2) Interpolation
-The method is called Lagrange interpolation
because, once you have the formula, like the one above,
you can substitute values for t that are NOT in
the table and guess the value of D(t).
(You WILL get a wrong answer if you actually do the
experiment and verify this again; Galileo was really,
really smart.)
-It led to the study of many more such techniques and
now we have many
-A similar technique, also using polynomials, is called
spline interpolation
-Spline interpolation is largely responsible for the
revolution in computer graphics in the last many
decades- due to the use of a concept- Bezier curves
in animation
3) Adi Shamir
-Adi Shamir used the basic mathematics behind Lagrange
interpolation to create a method to encrypt
messages in a scheme now known as Shamir's Secret
-Yu can find a Python source implementeing that scheme
-Incidentally, Adi Shamir is more famous for using the
co-create a method of encrypting messages- known as the
RSA scheme
-It is one of the most successful encryption schemes in
-It requires a powerful quantum computer to read
the original messages, given the encrypted versions of a
message/messages using RSA